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The Long Walk to Mordor

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1The Long Walk to Mordor Empty The Long Walk to Mordor Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:40 am


RP Grandmaster
RP Grandmaster

Vraal cringed with each step he took. The pain was good, at first, but now it had turned into something annoying. He couldn't run, it slowed him down. The walk to Mordor was a long one, and as uneventful as a stroll through a field of flowers. It took them three full days and three full nights of walking to reach the black gates. They arrived and the gates opened for them. Vraal immediately went to his chambers, he needed time to think.

He sat around for days, tending his wounds and thinking of one thing. Orc Slayer. This was his new quest. Orc Slayer was the one man on this earth that could give him a warriors death. One fitting of his position. Of course, he had no intentions of dying any time soon. He would much sooner put his sword through Orc Slayer's heart than let him put his own through Vraal's. But the prospect of such a thing was almost intoxicating for Vraal. He had never felt anything remotely close to fear, and he most likely never will. But what he had felt that day was as close as he could get. Almost in awe. Not in awe of Orc Slayer, but the fact that there was someone in the world that could rival his own skill in battle. In his 85 years of life he has always thought he could best anyone. This was a major change in events. Vraal's smiled, he was excited for the future.

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